About us
Company Overview:
Draintech BOP isn't just another drainage company, they specialise in all aspects of civil construction and industrial too – they're the go-to experts in the industry who really know their stuff. Whether it's a simple fix or a super complex system design, these folks bring top-notch skills and a commitment to getting things done right with over 30 years of expertise in 3 Waters infrastructure and as a leading provider in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Their whole approach is about doing great work, treating customers well, staying true to their core values of professionalism and delivering high-quality pipelaying and infrastructure projects ranging from wastewater and stormwater to water reticulation.
What makes Draintech BOP special is their awesome team culture. They're all about creating a workplace where people actually want to be, with tons of opportunities to learn and grow. The company believes in supporting their employees, encouraging fresh ideas, and helping everyone level up their skills. It's not just a job – it's a chance to be part of something exciting in the civil construction world, where innovation meets real-world problem-solving.